Really good and super healthy. Just four ingredients.
1/4 cup cashews
3/4 cup almonds
1 1/2 cups dates (13 or 14 Medjool dates)
1/4 cup cocoa
Process the cashews and almonds in a food processor until mealy. Add dates and cocoa. Process briefly until well mixed. Roll into small balls. After rolling them into balls, I flatten them with the palm of my hand. I just like the look of the coins and they store better. Store in fridge.
1/4 cup cashews
3/4 cup almonds
1 1/2 cups dates (13 or 14 Medjool dates)
1/4 cup cocoa
Process the cashews and almonds in a food processor until mealy. Add dates and cocoa. Process briefly until well mixed. Roll into small balls. After rolling them into balls, I flatten them with the palm of my hand. I just like the look of the coins and they store better. Store in fridge.